Webinar: Targeting Dimensions from the Plastics Point of View

Articles, Published Webinars

This month’s topic, in our FREE SimTech™ series of webinars, reviews the challenge of meeting dimensional tolerances when molding. Molding a part that meets all dimensional requirements has traditionally been one of the more difficult tasks in injection molding. All four of the plastic variables: pressure, temperature, flow rate and cooling rate have an effect on final part dimensions. Part dimensions can be made to increase or decrease with different machine control adjustments. And crystalline materials shrink more than amorphous materials when cooled. There is a lot to consider when problem solving for dimensions.

Fortunately, utilizing our SimTech molding simulator, it is much easier to learn the science behind controlling part dimensions rather than the art it sometimes is on the production floor. You’ll get an inside look into the process from the “plastic’s point of view” as the foundation to all molding strategies. This means understanding the concept that all machine controls affect one or more of the four plastic processing variables. Paulson’s entire approach, from starting up a machine for a production run, to problem solving an existing run is to examine the situation from the “plastics point of view”.

Key Take Aways Include:

  • Learning the key molding variables that affect part dimensions
  • Understanding how to adjust the machine controls that increase or decrease part dimensions
  • Learning the relationship between plastic temperature and plastic pressure and which has the greater effect on part dimensions
  • How to use plastic behavior to your advantage when optimizing the molding process

Take part in this FREE webinar to learn and apply molding techniques that will dramatically change the way you process.


Special Guest: Donald C. Paulson

Newly inducted into the 2021 Plastics Hall of Fame, (read more here), Donald Paulson is the founder and chairman of Paulson Training Programs, Inc. and the creator of the now widely accepted method of teaching plastic processing from the “Plastics Point of View”. Don will join this webinar and give his personal account of his years of research with the General Motors Institute that lead to transforming injection molding from an art to a science. An experience you won’t want to miss.

Visit our webinar page to register for this webinar and upcoming topics. Also, gain access to previously recorded webinars. There’s a wealth of knowledge from Paulson all at your fingertips!

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